Living Laboratories
ALFAwetlands HORIZON project, supported by the European Union, is focusing on the various kind of peatlands, wetlands and floodplains across the
Continue readingALFAwetlands HORIZON project, supported by the European Union, is focusing on the various kind of peatlands, wetlands and floodplains across the
Continue readingWorld Environmental Education Day is celebrated on 26 of January. This Day is aimed at raising awareness and promote harmony between
Continue readingALFAwetlands project is continuously advancing. In recent days, the ALFA team for wetlands made an additional important step to set-up co-creation
Continue readingWetlands are important Wetlands are a critical part of our natural environment. They are the vital link between land and water. They
Continue readingWetlands are extremely important. They provide a huge benefit in sheltering important biodiversity and in addition, they also provide a wide
Continue readingPodunajsko National Park The new Podunajsko National Park would be the tenth national park in the Slovak Republic the territory.
Continue readingALFAwetlands project and Neusiedler See – Seewinkel National Park are inviting you to take part in the City nature challenge-2024!
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