European Wilderness Register Database
on the 3 February 2009: The “European Parliament Resolution on Wilderness in Europe” was passed, which calls on the EU Commission to:
- Develop a clear definition of Wilderness
- Mandate the EEA and other relevant European bodies to map the last Wilderness areas in Europe.
- Undertake a study on the values and benefits of Wilderness.
- Develop an EU Wilderness strategy.
- Develop Wilderness areas and carefully manage re-wilding areas.
- Promote the values of Wilderness and launch information campaigns to raise awareness about Wilderness and its significance.
Under the EUContract No: 07.0307/2011/610387/SER/B.3 a mapping of potential Wildernes sin Europe was completed by October 2013. the report identified 522 Wilderness and Wild Areas in 27 EU Countries with a potential to meet the European Wilderness Quality Standard. The surprising finding was that 284 Wilderness had the potential to meet the more stringent Gold/Platinum Standard (Wilderness) and 238 were ideally suited to meet the Bronze/Silver Standard (Wild area).
This original list was updated with the input from many wilderness managers between 2017 and 2019.
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