SMART Tourism Skills Initiative

Project details

  • Project programme: Erasmus+ Programme
  • Project budget: € 240 449.00
  • European Wilderness Society budget: € 50 039.00
  • Start date: 30/11/2021
  • End date: 31/01/2025
  • Project website:

Project objectives

Following a survey that clearly showed a lack of education towards smart solutions in tourism, this project was launched to improve competences of educators on smart tourism development in cities through development of high quality learning opportunities and supporting material that is easy-to-use in developed curricula.

The main objective of the project lies in the production of comprehensive educational materials for adult educators that will allow them to promote and organise smart tourism development among municipalities, tourism organisations and businesses that are active in tourism development. This objective will be achieved by reaching a number of smaller goals, namely:

  • Organisation of needs analysis.
  • Development of curriculum and educational methodologies.
  • Development of course materials in downloadable format.
  • Development of e-Learning courses.
  • Internationalisation of educational materials by translating them into several languages from English.

At the end of the course, materials on smart tourism development will be available in two major languages (English and German) and the languages of the rest of the consortium (Bulgarian, Polish, Serbian, Slovak and Slovenian).

The project will also produce 70 trained adult educators via its learning, teaching, training activities and at least 270 participants of multiplier events where the project results will be disseminated. The courses developed within the project will be freely available at least five years after the end of the project’s activities.

Project partners

  • Zavod Novi turizem
  • European Wilderness Society
  • Univerzitet u novom sadu
  • Regional Development Agency with Business Support Centre for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
  • Instytut Rozwoju Sportu I edukacji
  • Univerzita Mateja Bela v banskej bystric

Project area
