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Photo Credits
ALl photographers were required are listed in the EXIF Data of the Photos including but not limited to PAN Parks Foundation, ANP Archives, MNP Archives, BKNP Archives, CBNP Archives, RNP Archives, FNP Archives, ONP Archives, PGNP Archives, PNP Archives, SNP Archives, RNP Archives, CDNP Archives, KNP Archives, Nationalpark Hainich, Shutterstock, Pixabay, Fotolia, Hannes Knapp, Verein CHWOLF, Sami Fayed, Tomáš Kaliský, Eric Balzacs, Wikipedia, Konstantin Gabrichidze, Evgeni Dinev, Eugenijus Drobelis, Juoko Högmander, Seppo Keränen, Heidi Arponen, Seppo Keränen, Kimmo Salminen, Janne Görling, Bruno d’Amicis, Græme Purdy, Csaba Gyarmati, Barbara Mayer, Konstantin Gabrichidze, Giorgi Darchiashvili, Nanko Minkov, Alexander Ivanov, Koyno Koynov, Orsolya Haarberg, Petar Yordanov Paunchev, Nicolas Cegalerba, Gábor Salamon, Andreas Grahin, Vitantonio dell’Orto, Leif Ostergreen, Ingrid Roehorst, G. Valentukevičius, Vytautas Knyva, Mindaugas Lapele, Paavo Hamunen, Hannu Hautala, Arto Ketola, Aivar Ruukel, Kimmo Salminen, Michael Hennemann, Andreas Grahin, Georg Witting, Simon Kertys, Richard Hoffmann, Falk Kienas, István Kerekes, Grigore Opritoiu, Mihai Moiceanu, Mati Kose, Arne Ader, Tomáš Kaliský, Todor Marholev, Petar Yordanov Paunchev, Ljupco Smokovski, Victor Gritsyuk, Erlend Haarberg, Kari Lathi, Marcos Veiga, Aykut Ince, Rüknettin Tekdemir, Tarík Yurtgezer, Yildiray Lise, Kastamonu Pınarbasi Governorship Archive, Vasyl Zelinskyy, Henk Kuipers, Daniel Mirlea.
The European Wilderness Society thanks the European Commission for its financial support in obtaining the publishing rights for the work of the photographers mentioned above.
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