Project details
- Project programme: LIFE Programme
- Project budget: € 4 899 191.00
- European Wilderness Society budget: € 758 993.00
- Start date: 01/09/2020
- End date: 30/08/2025
- Project website:
Project objectives
Over the course of five years, the international project foresees more than 150 activities with over 4 000 participants, including workshops, seminars and training. Implemented through local farmers’ associations, the project will support livestock farmers by:
- Establishing at least 20 Livestock Protection Competence Centres
- Training at least 1 000 livestock farmers on livestock protection
- Training at least 100 professional livestock protection consultants
- Deploying at least 20 livestock protection material sets with emergency equipment
- Training 20 special scat detection dogs that will be able to assist in rapid assessments of wolf presence, in case of depredations as well as preemptive wolf surveillance
- Organise and train at least 250 volunteers to support livestock farmers and shepherds
- Train at least 100 livestock protection ambassadors
- Hold youth education workshops with at least 140 school classes
- Organise public conferences and workshops with at least 500 participants
- Visit at least 20 agricultural fairs and events to promote livestock protection measures
- Establish at least 9 Thematic Working Groups with key stakeholders to address most urgent challenges regarding the implementation of livestock protection
- Develop and display a public exhibition with at least 30 000 visitors
- And have a strong online and media presence in the project region.
Please also read: LIFEstockProtect project on livestock protection approved!
Project partners
- BIO AUSTRIA Niederösterreich und Wien (Coordinating Beneficiary)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die biologisch-dynamische Wirtschaftsweise
- Bioland Beratung GmbH
- BIO AUSTRIA – Verein zur Förderung des biologischen Landbaus
- Bioland Landesverband Bayern e.V.
- BUND Naturschutz in Bayern e.V.
- Società Cooperativa Sociale Eliante Onlus
- European Academy of Bozen-Bolzano
- European Wilderness Society
- Betrieb Landesmuseen – Naturmuseum Südtirol
- Naturschutzhunde – Spürhunde im Natur- und Artenschutz
- OPUS Oekologische Planungen Umweltstudien und Service GmbH
- Tourismusverband Tiroler Oberland
- Umweltdachverband
- Vetmeduni Vienna
- Naturschutzbund Österreich
- Österreichzentrum Bär, Wolf, Luchs