Ongoing Projects
The central hub of the European Wilderness Society is in our projects. From the Idea stage, the team develops and hammers out a project concept; when successful, the idea become reality in the form of a project.
Some of our projects such as Let’s get Wild 2, follow resulted from our massively successful Let’s get Wild! youth education project. Recently we finalised our big Interreg Central Europe BEECH POWER and Interreg Central Europe Centralparks projects.
With the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management and LIFE Programme we are also impementing exciting projects BMLRT Schmetterlingsreich (A kingdom for butterflies), BMLRT Multi-perspective view of Biodiversity of the Fauna in Forests, BMLRT Eulen-Spiegel (Owls in Focus).
Beside that, currently we are running HORIZON, LIFE and Erasmus+ projects, such as: ALFAwetlands, LIFEstockProtect, LIFE Apollo 2020, SMARTOUR, Youth Green Conference III.
And we also support Ukraine and Ukrainians.
© European Wilderness Society
More about our projects and initiatives you can find here:
- LIFE Apollo 2020
- Horizon ALFAwetlands
- LIFEstockProtect LIFE Nature
- Erasmus+ Smartour
- E+ Youth Green Conference III
- BMNT Let´s get wild 2
- BMLRT Schmetterlingsreich (A kingdom for butterflies)
- BMLRT Multi-perspective view of Biodiversity of the Fauna in Forests
- BMLRT Eulen-Spiegel (Owls in Focus)
- European Wilderness Society Volunteers
- Interreg Citizens Engagement Activities
- European Beech Forest Network
- Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Centre Ukraine
- European Wilderness Network
- Wilderness Exchange Programme
So take a look at the exciting projects we are running and if you want to join in, contact us with the form below.