WILDArt 2018 Synevyr Ukraine

WILDArt NPP Synevyr Ukraine - © All rights reserved
Janine Salzger in the UNESCO World Heritage Beech Forest

WILDArt 2018

The WILDArt 2018 event took place as an Area of Inspiration co-founded project be the European Union in August 2018 in the Synevyr National Nature Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Natural Site and a European Wilderness Network Partner. 11 Artists from The Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Romania spent a week in one of the wildest places in Europe. Guided by our expert Wilderness Rangers, the artists enjoyed an unique experience of viewing nature as nature intended. Evenings at the camp fires, preparing the long hikes, spending time with local children and their parents, exchanging ideas with other artists and seeing incredible wildlife inspired the artists to some fantastic works. We will exhibit the final pieces of art in several exhibitions across Europe and on our websites.


This is not the first time we are cooperating with our Slovak and Austrian colleagues on the implementation of interesting projects. ”Areas of Inspiration” – this is the next project, which is being implemented in cooperation with “Machaon International” and “European Wilderness Society”. I hope that artists enjoyed the nature of the park and they will come back for new Plein Airs again!

Mykola Derbak
Director of National Nature Park “Synevyr

I had the opportunity given by the European Wilderness Society to visit 3 Wilderness places in Germany, Czech Republic and Ukraine. I never could have been more happy that so many things all the sudden clicked into place for me this summer. I had to step over from dead animal printing to tree rubbings trees, plant or bark monoprints, making more natural berry inks, using charcoal from fireplaces ending with mono printing trash we found at wild lake. And to make full circle printing a tree in Rotterdam. The whole trip challenged me to leave my comfort zone, but use the technical skills I already have into new ways or try new subjects.  Also at the WILDArt Plein Air having the luxury of so many other skilled people, and sharing their knowledge, fun, attention etc. I felt like a kid in a candy store.

Liset van Dommelen
Printing artist from the Netherlands

I am grateful to the European Wilderness Society for inviting us to participate in the creative part of the project. For me it was really a new experience with new feelings, this incredible combination of extreme and calm creative life.
Next time, when we will be again in such difficult to access, but amazing places of nature, I would like to stay there longer. This would give me a possibility to observe the beauty of creation, changing in time and capture it on canvas. Thank you very much!

Svitlana Kyrlyk
Painter from Ukraine

I had a great time in Synevyr during the WILDArt Plein Air. The encounter with so much nature was good and inspired me to do even more with my photography.

Meeting the other artists and talking and working together was also inspiring. Right from the first day we were a team.

We did a hike to Wild Lake and slept a night in the forest. I woke up before sunrise and tried to find the lake. Within minutes I was lost and after 10 minutes stumbling in the dark I suddenly saw a tent; it turned out to be my own tent.

After the breathtaking hike in the UNESCO primeval forest I realised that from now on I no longer want to photograph what I see, but will try to express what I feel.

I enjoyed being in this first WILDArt Plein Air and I certainly like to do more photo-projects in nature.

Henk Kuipers
Photographer and Theatre Manager from the Netherlands

Well, I have a lot of Wilderness experience throughout Ukraine, but this visit to the lake was very unique and very special, even for me. I have never seen a lake like this, and I know that this is a very unique place. I would like to attend something similar, if this event would be organised in the future.

Ruslan Gleb
Painter and scientist at Carpathian Biosphere Reserve in Ukraine

I really liked to go into the forest. It was going into a new special world, when you came through the entrance. I really liked the time with all the other people, seeing them laugh, having fun, and film them. I really like to go on such a trip again.

Richard Verbeek
Media design artist from the Netherlands

Through the WILDArt Plein Art event in Synevyr, I’ve discovered a new Wilderness area in which I had the joy to meet amazing companions. In just one week, I’ve learned a lot of new things about nature and also how to connect with people, even though it was a short time. I believe that we made some bonds and in the near future, we will meet again to do some wonderful work.

About the park area, in there I’ve found a raw nature, in which the elements of the environment are in a deep connection. That area needs to be discovered for its beautiful places, animals, and plant. Through nature, I believe that we can become better individuals, we will leave the hate behind and we will care about the everything around us.

Daniel Mîrlea
Wildlife photographer from Romania

Janin Salzger

I liked the diversity of the group, which also mirrors diversity of nature for me. We had a lot of different artists, a lot of different ideas to get inspired by, just as a beautiful ecosystem should be very diverse and inspiring.

Janin Salzger
Illustrator and acrobatic artist from Austria

Step by step, we will enjoy the Wilderness even more, day by day. And I love this kind of teaching or learning for yourself, on how important nature is and to improve it and save it.

Miriam Hartmann
Dancer from Austria

I did not have an experience like this before. I really liked the team, and the people who came with us. I really had a great time and I really enjoyed it. I would definitely do it again.

Rick Lichtenberg
Media design artist from the Netherlands

Project Impressions WILDArt Ukraine 2019

Project Area (2019)

Project Inquiry
