Objectives 2015-2020

The European Wilderness Society Team defined in February 2015 the European Wilderness Society Strategy and Objectives for the period ending 2015 – 2020. The meeting was a great success, with several new project ideas developed. The objectives and updated mission statement re-affirms the commitment of the European Wilderness Society Team to identify, designate, steward and promote Europe’s last Wilderness. Our progress to our objectives for the period ending 2020 are to date:

Establish the European Wilderness Quality Standard and Audit System (EWQA) as Europe’s premier Wilderness standard.
Develop and implement the European Wilderness Network.
Educate school children on the value of Wilderness for Europe.
Bring together Wilderness and the fine arts to promote Wilderness.
Audit and certify 20 Wilderness areas according to the EWQA.
Develop and implement a strategy to assist European farmers in protecting their livestock against large carnivore attacks.
Regularly hold the European Wilderness Academy Days.
Establish an International Wilderness Exchange programme involving students and professionals.
Develop a Wilderness criteria system for WILDCoasts, WILDForests, WILDIslands and WILDRivers
Start the implementation of the Pan-European Green corridor network, PEGNet.

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