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Parnassius apollo outside of Europe

The Parnassius apollo, commonly known as the Apollo butterfly, is predominantly found in Europe, particularly in mountainous regions.

In the past there have been only occasional reports of sightings of this striking species of butterfly outside of Europe. However, these reports are not scientifically documented and confirmed, and are believed to be only amateur observations and descriptions.

It is assumed that factors such as climate change, human activities and accidental introduction may contribute to their presence in regions outside Europe. However, it is important to note that these occurrences are uncommon and the Apollo butterfly thrives primarily within its native European range.

Parnassius apollo outside of Europe

The recorded presence of Parnassius apollo, outside of Europe is limited. There are only few documented instances of its occurrence in certain locations beyond its native range. 

These sightings include parts of the Middle East, such as Turkey and Iran, as well as the high-altitude regions of the Himalayas in Asia. 

However, it is important to note that these occurrences are sporadic and the available information does not confirm that they are Parnassius apollo permanent populations outside of Europe.

Sporadic information does not confirm that the Parnassius apollo permanent populations occur outside of Europe

Factors of Parnassius apollo presence outside of Europe

Apollo is adapted to the specific conditions of European mountain habitats. The process of adaptation was very slow and gradual but finally Apollo adjusted and adapted to these conditions. The presence of Parnassius apollo predominantly in Europe can be attributed to several factors. 

Firstly, the species has evolved to be highly specialized and adapted to specific European mountainous habitats. These habitats provide the necessary conditions, including suitable host plants and climatic factors, for the survival and reproduction. It is assumed that outside of Europe, similar habitats and ecological niches may be scarce or absent, limiting the butterfly’s ability to establish viable populations. 

Secondly, the historical and geological isolation of Europe has allowed for the development of unique ecosystems and species, including the Apollo butterfly. Factors such as geographical barriers, limited dispersal abilities, and lack of suitable migratory pathways further restrict the species’ presence outside of its native European range.

Why only Europe?

In parallel, the question arises why the presence of Parnassius apollo is strictly limited European mountain habitats. Current knowledge confirms that the Parnassius apollo is strictly limited to Europe due to its specific ecological requirements. It relies on unique plant species as larval food sources, and its habitat preferences are finely tuned to European alpine ecosystems. These specialized ecological associations restrict its presence to this distinct geographical region.

The strict specialization and adaptation of Parnassius apollo to specific European mountain habitats provides a strong case for strict conservation of this species

Rationale for strict protection

The strict specialization and adaptation of Parnassius apollo to specific European mountain habitats provides a strong case for strict conservation of this species. Due to its unique ecological requirements, it is particularly vulnerable to habitat loss, fragmentation and climate change.

By implementing strict protection measures, such as preserving and restoring its habitat, controlling human disturbances, and mitigating the impacts of climate change, we can help ensure the long-term survival of this species. Safeguarding Parnassius apollo contributes to the overall biodiversity conservation and ecological health of the European mountain ecosystems.


Information about the occurrence of Parnassius apollo outside of Europe is very limited and sporadic. The strict specialization of this species in European mountain habitats, together with geographical barriers and limited abilities of its spread, contribute to its rarity.

One thought on “Parnassius apollo outside of Europe

  • Natürlich gibt es Apollo-Subspecies auch außerhalb Europas wie z.B. in Kirgisien, Kazachstan und Westchina. Ist mehr als wissenschaftlich betätigt. Habe selber mehre Belege an Apollofaltern aus diesen Regionen, und auch gezüchtet.
    Auch in der Türkei gibt es 15 Unterarten! LG Otto Feldner (Bei Partner APOLLO 2020 – EWS – als Apollospezialist aus Saalfelden/Österreich für alle Projekte zuständig)

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