European Wilderness Society

Advancing the Pan-European Green Corridor Network

Based on the enthusiastic response to our Pyrenees to Carpathians green corridor project, our Society decided to develop the idea further into a Pan European Green Corridor Network. We published the first information about the initiative in August and discussed it further during our annual event the Wilderness Academy in Austria in October.

We believe that such a network will deliver various economic and social benefits such as:

  • bringing nature conservation and Wilderness attributes including wildlife to people
  • contributing to the greening of Europe’s economy
  • implementing the Green Infrastructure concept from the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy
  • linking EU member states with neighboring countries

…and of course will benefit Europe’s wildlife through decreasing the pressure on biodiversity.

The Pan European Green Corridor Network became a central element of our work with special focus on three themes such as linking Europe’s mountains, creating riverine corridors and protecting iconic species such as large carnivores.

We are currently developing the first demonstration project within the framework of Horizon 2020. This project will be focusing on effective and sustainable ecological restoration through selecting several demonstration sites in the Carpathians. While the pilot areas will be in the Carpathians, the project will involve organisations from other mountain areas as well.

Our second project will be focusing on wild river habitats. Our team is working with various WWF Offices, the Danube Parks Association and business sector representatives to develop the idea of watershed Wilderness. Part of this concept is to establish a criteria-based standard and a network of wild rivers across Europe.

Finally we are also working out an advocacy strategy which will be first presented and discussed in our Brussels office. Among others, Lumina Consult and Hannover Communications are helping us to implement an effective lobby work to improve the legal environment for our highly ambitious Pan European Green Corridor Network initiative.

We are still looking for partners, so if your organisation is interested in discussing with us about the Pan European Green Corridor and how to cooperate for a wilder Europe, please contact us!

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