European Wilderness Society

Erasmus Anniversary part 3: Your chance for life-changing experience!

We are grateful to Erasmus + for the possibility to host new volunteers in future!

If you have been following our postings over the last days, maybe you have been getting curious about volunteering yourself ? Have the stories of our Wilderness volunteers inspired you to have a life-changing experience of your own?

Please also read: Get ready for Erasmus days!

Why not join us as our next Wilderness volunteer? — Check here!

We are always looking for volunteers to participate in our projects, share experiences and get involved in environmental youth action!

You can also contribute as part of the LIFE Apollo 2020 volunteer network or by joining as an assistant shepherd within the LIFEstockProtect. By the way, our shepherd volunteers 2021 were honored on the Heldenplatz in Vienna. 

Happy Anniversary, Erasmus +!

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