European Wilderness Society

60 Participants Wilderness Academy Days

This years European Wilderness Academy Days has attracted participants from all across Europe. This annual event is an ideal venue to keep up to date on Wilderness issues, best practice examples and challenges from all across Europe. Participants from Greece, Spain, Ukraine, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Hungary and many more countries will actively discuss the Natura 2000 Topics, Evaluation Results from three Wilderness areas, the challenges in management training, the effect of EU Policy on large carnivores and the impact of roads on corridors among numerous other topics.

Speakers include:

  • Alberto Arroyo, WWF European Policy office
  • Andrej Sovinc, IUCN and WCPA
  • Roberto Ferigno, Lumina Consult
  • Michael Jungmeier, ECO
  • Tobis Salathe, Ramsar Sekretariat
  • Sara Pinto and Duarte Cadete, FAPAS
  • Laszlo Potozky, Environment Partnership Romania
  • Vasil Mochan, Ukraine
  • Alexander Zinke, Austria
  • Gaia Angelini
  • Herbert Wölger, NP Gesäuse
  • Lisa Klimek and her colleagues from WWF Youth
  • and many more…

If you are interested in this Expert Meeting and Workshop please visit Wilderness academy and register. Places are limited.

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