European Wilderness Society

ERDgespräche: international event

On 28th of May 2015 the NEONGREEN NETWORK is inviting for their eighth edition of this conservation talk with top-class engaged speakers in the Redoutensäle of the Vienna Hofburg. Beside other speakers: TV-chef, author and activist Sarah Wiener, sociologist and “Father of Environmental Justice” Dr. Robert Bullard, ex professional athlete and Biologist Gudrun Pflüger and scientist for mobility Dr. Harald Frey.

This year the event will also have three Side-Events (Eco Pecha Kucha on the 27th of May and World Game Lab and movie-evening “Nuclear Lies” on the 29th of May).


13.00  Opening
13.30  Parallel Sessions with speakers
15.30  Presentation of Neongreen (ad)ventures
16.30  Reception (with VIP**Ticket)
17.30  Start
20.30 Buffet+Networking
23.00 Official End

LIVESTREAM: for all, who are not able to be there in person…
the event will be broadcasted in German and in English live via internet!
Livestream at:

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