Chances and limitations of Wilderness in Schleswig-Holstein – Workshop Sept. 28th
On Thursday, the 28th of September 2017, there is an information event and discussion called Wilderness in Schleswig-Holstein – chances and limitations, in the Bildungszentrum für Natur, Umwelt und ländliche Räume, Flintbek in an cooperation with Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Instuitut für Ökosystemforschung.
Wilderness more and more is seen as a leading element of nature conservation. It’s about peoples longing and striving to let our surrounding nature and ecosystems be free and wild. To unleash nature!
Which challenges do we have to face with this desire and aim? What is Wilderness? Is there even a chance for real Wilderness to exist in its pure nature? Without any human‘s influence? Many questions will be addressed in this workshop.
The European Wilderness Society visited this year numerous potential Wilderness Areas in Schleswig Holstein and sees sees high potentials for Wilderness for example in the Waddensea, WILDCoast of Amrum but also in the Peatbogs located in central Schleswig Holstein and also in the numerous WILDIslands created by deepening the the navigational channels and harbours.
We are in constant communication with several Wilderness Advocates in Schleswig Holstein and are happy to see that this heavily used agricultural landscape is looking for the first wild areas to meet the German 2% Wilderness objective.
Here is the programme of Wildnis in Schleswig Holstein
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