Climate change

Earth Day 2022, Invest In Our Planet

Like every previous event, Earth Day 2022 marks the anniversary of the birth of modern environmental movements. First celebrated in the USA in 1970, it is nowadays commemorated around the world to raise awareness about environmental matters. On this occasion, EARTHDAY.ORG coordinates all efforts engaging billions of people in more than 193 countries every year.

Please also read: Why do we celebrate Earth Day?

Everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable

To keep the global temperature below 1.5°C, we need to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century. While the focus has primarily been on reducing fossil fuel dependency, there is no viable route to contrasting global warming and building resilience without urgently protecting, managing, and restoring nature. This year’s theme for Earth Day 2022 reads as “invest on our planet”. and calls for the “need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably)”.

Invest in our planet and build a prosperous and equitable future.

The Earth Day 2022 theme wants to engage the governments, businesses and citizens to recognize their collective responsibility. All of this to help accelerate the The Earth Day 2022 theme wants to engage the governments, businesses and citizens to recognize their collective responsibility. All of this to help accelerate the transition to an equitable, prosperous green economy for all. The goal of this year’s campaign is to promote a transition from an economy of the “past” based on fossil fuels, towards an economy focused on the health of our planet, protects our species, and provides opportunities for all.

Invest in our planet and build healthy cities, countries, and economies.

Unless actions are taken now, climate change will damage global economies more than ever, increasing scarcity, draining profits and job prospects, and impacting us all. Luckily, as shown by studies, there is a direct correlation between sustainable business practices, share prices, and business performance. Companies who develop strong Environment Social Governance standards have better profitability, stronger financials, happier employees, and more resilient stock performance.

Invest in our planet, it’s the only home we have. we need everyone, while there is still time.

Sustainability is the only path to prosperity. Therefore, it is imperative to take action and embrace the benefits of a green economy. Economy actors are the most likely to drive significant change and it is time for them to contribute to this cause. On the other hand, it is also our responsibility to push them to do so and invest in our planet.

Join Earth Day 2022

EARTHDAY.ORG’s efforts aim at reframing the conversation, accelerating action, and bringing us together to understand that together we can. If you want to know more, visit the Earth Day 2022 website. You will find there all the activities and events you can take part in and contribute to drive towards green innovation!

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