European Wilderness Society

Italy can be a Mediterranean kingdom of Wilderness!

“My commitment for Wilderness preservation, restoration and improvement is based on considerations that biosphere is our life support system. It is self-regulating and its functioning is based principally on self-willed lands with largely free natural processes, i.e. Wilderness areas…”

This is a short introduction of Mr. Dario Botti Landscape & Environment Architect. Dario is European Wilderness Society consultant based in Parma – Italy. He works as independent professional and expert about landscape, strategic assessment and natural restoration.

Dario in Tyrol, Austria

Sheepherding Switzerland

European Wilderness Society is cooperating with this kind of individuals scattered all over the Europe. They knowledge, commitment and professionalism provide a bank of knowledge about Wilderness potential in several European countries.
For Dario presence of Wilderness areas seems essential. Luckily, from his perspective, Wilderness can occur in nearly every type of landscape. He strongly believes that, besides priority to protect large Wilderness areas each society should improve self-sustaining capacity of landscapes influenced by humans.

“What makes me optimistic about Wilderness in Europe is knowledge that we still have fragments of Wilderness all over Europe. Italy also can contribute to the European Wilderness Heritage!”

Another reason for Dario to cooperate with European Wilderness Society is that freely developed nature has positive effects on human soul and mind. Finally, he considers Nature, and particulate Wilderness as a friend. He encourages people to follow Nature laws and respect Wilderness.

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