Sustainable Tourism

Join Smartourism Needs Assessment survey in Austria!

Smart tourism has become increasingly popular in Europe and particularly, in EU. There is still no common complete understanding what does it mean and how to implement it, but there is a high demand in it.  Therefore, to fulfil this demand, international Erasmus+ project „SMART Tourism Skills Initiative“ have been launched. One of its initial activities is educational Needs Assessment conduction.

Please also read: Erasmus + SMARTOUR project

Smartour project

Project SMART Tourism Skills Initiative aims at improving competences of educators on smart tourism development in cities through the elaboration of high-quality learning tools and supporting materials that are easy-to-use.

The definition provided by the transnational SMARTOUR project emphasizes smart tourism as an individual tourist support system within the context of information services and an all-encompassing technology. 

The project will prepare 70 trained adult educators via its learning, teaching, training activities and at least 270 participants of multiplier events where the project results will be disseminated. The courses developed within the project will be freely available at least five years after the end of the project’s activities.

Help us to develop educational materials

In order to analyze educational needs of the stakeholders, Needs Assessment survey had been launched by partners in each project country.

By filling in this survey you will contribute to further implementation of smart tourism in Austria, as well as in other European countries! Based on your input project transnational experts will develop curriculum and educational methodologies, course materials in downloadable format and e-Learning courses and conduct educational events.

Please fill in Questionnaire form until 30th of June:

Needs Assessment details are also available in German on our FB Page: here

You opinion is very valuable for us! We will keep you informed!

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