Last WILDRiver in Slovakia
It is the beginning of May. The strong stream, fed by melted snow, changes the emerald water of the mountain cloth to white foam. Hundreds of droppings of crystal-clear water are gradually melting in the Tatra Wilderness to create one of the last WILDRiver in Central Europe…
These are first sentences of 50 minute new film produced by the Arolla Film Company, Slovakia. Film is presenting story of the last WILDRiver – Bela, in Slovakia.
The Arolla Film Company after the films: Life in the clouds, The Immortal Forest produced a new film: The Living River! The premier was in Liptovsky Hradok, Slovakia on September 7th 2017. All production of the Arolla Film Company (films and books) provide a proof that Wilderness can still be found in Central Europe!
Arolla Film company was founded in 2009 with the aim of contributing to the protection of the Valleys Tichá and Kôprová in the Tatra Mountains via the film The Keeper of Wilderness. Encouraged by the success of the first project, we have decided to continue on our effort – contribute to protect European Wilderness, said Erich Balaz, informal leader of the Arolla Film Company.
The company’s mission is to convey enthusiasm for Wilderness to the general public via authentic images and to contribute to the protection of specific areas of wild nature.
My experience is that the European Wilderness is recovering, the chance is here, said Karol Kalisky one of the team member.
More about this Wilderness focused company can be read also here:
The products of Arolla Film Company can be buy here
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Fantastic! Vlado, in this work to protect this great river please be sure to use my pictures from 2014. Let me know if you need fresh copies of the best ones. Jim