UkraineWilderness Network NewsWILDRivers

WILDRivers in Ukraine

This are the Briefs for three WILDRivers in Ukraine – Mala Uholka, Shyrokyy Luh and Velyka Uholka WILDRiver. All are in the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, which is a network of almost untouched forests; subalpine and alpine meadows, and rocky-lichen landscapes in the Carpathian Mountains.

Highest quality of WILDRiver!

All three rivers meet the Platinum Wilderness Quality Standard, because they represent excellent examples of unmodified rivers, surrounded by untouched, old-growth beech forest. The Carpathian Biosphere Reserve also provides an important habitat for many rare and important species. For example, there are 64 plant species and 72 animal species here which are in the Red Data Book of the IUCN and Ukraine, and the European Red List.

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