
Ravi Sankaran Fellowship program on conservation

The Ravi Sankaran Fellowship program is a biodiversity conservation initiative of the Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation of India.

Copyright © 2010 Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation

Among projects supported in the last years are the following:

  • Examining large carnivore occurrence, conflict and socio-cultural tolerance in the central Indian landscape
  • The Eaglenest Memory Project: building on the existing nature-based tourism setup
  • The role of Women in the Conservation of the Seed and Biodiversity
  • Citizens Alliance for Protection of the Environment (CAPE)

Awarded students choose such institution as Imperial College London, Cardiff University, Central European University, Universities of Cambridge and Canada, National Museums of Kenya.

This fellowship offers three major opportunities:

  • Masters Degree in ecology or conservation at an International University abroad: The Program will fund one or two students to work towards a 1-2 year Masters degree. Funding provided: stipend, course fees, one-way international travel.
  • Internship with an international Conservation Organisation: The Program will fund one or two recipients to carry out an internship of 6 weeks to 1 year with a university research group, NGO, government agency, or other organization, known for its work in conservation science and practice in a country other than India. Funding provided: stipend, internship fees (if there are any), to-and-fro international travel (with a cap of USD 1,500 for travel).
  • Small Grants program for a conservation research or implementation project within India: The Program will fund up to 4 recipients to carry out an initial project of up to 1 year that is expected to lead to a longer-term conservation science and/or implementation project. Where appropriate, applicants for a small grant are encouraged to consider and include the potential role that local communities can play in conservation.Funding provided: stipend and project expenses (not exceeding Rs 2 lakh per year in total).

 Eligible applicants must fill the application form via given website.

Hopefully by reading this information on our website, Indian students can take a Master’s degree or do an internship at the European Wilderness Society or our partner institutions like the Austrian E.C.O. Institute of Ecology and introduce nature conservation globally!

The Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation was created by Mr. Indoo Shivdasani in 1976 and registered as a Charitable Trust in Liechtenstein in the same year. The aim of the creation is to incorporate the existing philanthropic work of the founder, and to provide a permanent independent body for the expansion of these activities.

The major objective of the Foundation is to identify exceptionally talented young Indian students and support them financially to develop their special skills and talents to the maximum. It achieves this by awarding scholarships to outstanding young students to continue their post-graduate study/research abroad. Over the last three decades, more than 300 scholars have benefited from these scholarships.

More information can be found here :

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