Sustainable TourismUkraine

Tourism and waste management improvement in Synevyr, Ukraine

Recent week was fully packed with activities of the project Clean up National Nature Park Synevyr, Ukraine. Both a clean up event and the online workshop ‘Tourism and Waste management in NNP Synevyr’ were conducted. A lot of progress had been made on other project activities as well.

Clean up event

On 16th of September, the Synevyr Park employees organised and took part in the clean up event on the park territory. Moreover, students of class 5-A class of the Kolochavska secondary school and their teacher participated and supported the park employees. Jointly they collected waste along the banks of river Tereblya and an area close to the mineral spring. Together the participants collected 30 bags of plastic and glass, with an estimated weight of 600 kg already! All collected waste was transported to an entrepreneur in the Mizhhirya settlement. Here it will be processed, separated and disposed properly. Moreover during the clean up event we also introduced the youngsters to the Respect Nature concept. Supporting material, such as posters were delivered to them to hang up on the walls at home. As an additional bonus, the students were invited to the Carnivore Birds sanctuary excursion on the park territory.

Online workshop

On the 18th of September we also organised the online workshop “Tourism and Waste management in NNP “Synevyr”. Twenty-five active participants took part in this event. All the very experienced Ukrainian and EU participants shared their knowledge and practices of proper tourism and waste management in protected areas. Moreover, all agreed that such practices are very important for natural ecosystems preservation as well as for human health. The huge role of volunteers was also addressed during the workshop. Besides, during the work the participants developed joint ideas in the breakout rooms on:

  • waste management improvement on the NNP “Synevyr” territory, jointly with local communities, authorities and entrepreneurs
  • tourist flow management on the NNP “Synevyr” hotspots
  • the plan of “Respect Nature” further introduction in NNP “Synevyr”.  

The project “Clean up National Nature Park “Synevyr”, Ukraine” brought a lot of positive outcomes to our institution as well. Usually, you need external force to motivate people to act. Among other, we very much hope that soon we will start implementation of new “Ranger training” project in Ukraine”. The need of such peoject was confirmed during recent online-trainings.

Iryna Yonash
deputy head of sustainable development and tourism department of Carpathian Biosphere Reserve

Among other, local NGO “Ecosphere” recently started implementation of their second waste management project in Mizhhirya area. This is the area, where NNP “Synevyr” is located. “Ecosphere” was happy to present their project during the workshop and synergies between the two projects were discussed. We were also invited to present our project on the kick-of seminar of “Ecosphere´s project in October later this year.

Bring plastic-take free entry ticket campaign

Preparation to the campaign “Bring plastic –take free entry ticket” is now on the final stage. It was not an easy task to find a local manufacturer ready to produce separated waste containers. But after intensive market search and negotiations, a decision was made. Moreover, European Wilderness Society developed and conducted number of activities to launch local waste management chain. For that local communities and entrepreneurs were involved.

The campaign ‘Bring plastic – get free entry ticket’ will provide an opportunity to NNP “Synevyr” visitors to properly dispose their waste while visiting the Park. Besides, it will also motivate them to enhance own outdoor experience and explore the beauty of Synevyr.

This campaign will also contribute significantly to the Park’s waste management improvement. Furthermore, it will also enhance respective project sustainability.

We are very grateful to Fedir Matichyn, project contact person from NNP “Synevyr”, for his effective and fruitful cooperation for project proper implementation.

Iryna Shchoka
European Wilderness Society Ukraine

Next steps

Besides that, printing of Respect Nature leaflet in Ukrainian and Respect Nature big and small signs are on the final stage. Very soon they will enhance tourism and waste management efforts on NNP “Synevyr” territory.

This project is financially supported by European Outdoor Conservation Association and we are grateful for this support.

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