European Wilderness Society

2015: a great year for Wilderness in Europe

Dear Wilderness advocates. 2015 was a great year for Wilderness in Europe and an excellent year for the European Wilderness Society!

Not only were the first large areas certified according to the European Wilderness Quality Standard and Audit System, but Germany reconfirmed its commitment to the 2% Wilderness target, Ukraine made significant steps towards securing its last Wilderness for future generations, Romania voted against a government sacrificing its last Wilderness, the new Beech Forest Network of Europe issued a statement against illegal logging primeval and Old Growth forests and in the United Kingdom a powerful movement was started by George Monboit with Rewilding Britain. The European Wilderness Academy Days brought 60 Wilderness Advocates together in one of the most beautiful National Park in Europe.

We are full of energy to continue with the strong movement towards identifying, designating, managing and promoting Europe’s last Wilderness. We look forward to continuing our work in 2016. Join and support us to achieve these objectives for the benefit of the generations to come.

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One thought on “2015: a great year for Wilderness in Europe

  • Great work guys! Impressive accomplishments. Keep up the good work!

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