European Wilderness Society

Working together to protect Biodiversity in Central Europe

On the 21 of December, 2017 European Wilderness Society attended the Annual Meeting of CEEWeb for Biodiversity, a unique and very effective 20-year old network of non-governmental organizations of the Central and Eastern European region working in 20 countries. Its mission is the conservation of biodiversity through the promotion of sustainable development.

In 2017 European Wilderness Society became a member of  CEEWeb and on recent Annual meeting the chairman of the European Wilderness Society, Max A.E. Rossberg was elected as the CEEWeb Board Member.

Annual meeting in Budapest consisted of 3 main blocks:

  • Annual Meeting of the CEEWeb Board

There, beside CEEWeb Supervisory Committee and Management Board elections, presentation of informative financial and informative narrative reports of 2017 and the work programme for 2018 took place.

  • A workshop on “Making the EU budget work for sustainability”

The workshop aim was to collect and discuss views on how an EU budget reform could serve best to sustainability. The land use nexus (biodiversity conservation, restoring and maintaining ecosystem services and farming) were the focus of the discussions considering the environmental, social and economic dimensions at the same time. The workshop also aimed at mobilization of national NGOs for advocacy actions

  • Meeting of the Sustainable Tourism Working Group.

The main topic of the Meeting of the Sustainable Tourism Working Group was the „Presentation of the Set of Indicators measuring the positive and negative Impacts of Tourism in the Carpathians“ and how to use it in CEE countries.

Besides, participants discusses recent and the development of further joint projects aiming at harmonization of sustainable tourism and nature conservation in 2018.

Education of youth and adults, further introduction of Wilderness legislation in EU, large carnivores, green infrastructure, communication and trainings, sustainable tourism these are the main directions for European Wilderness Society and the CEEWeb members´ future joint projects.

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