European Wilderness Society

Celebrating the Erasmus Anniversary!

Through the Erasmus + and Interreg IVY programs we have hosted 18 volunteers with us here in Tamsweg, Austria since 2017. We have welcomed them into our team for just a few months or a whole year, as they contributed to our projects, events, news stories and of course their very own Wilderness Diary. There you can read all about their adventures in the beautiful Austrian Alps, from learning how to ski (a key skill here in Lungau!), over sleigh rides, hikes, international dinners and other exciting stories.

Please also read: Get ready for Erasmus days!

Past volunteers have supported the team with their ideas and personal input to many of our projects including the Erasmus+ INCO, SMARTOUR, Youth Green Conferences 2019 and 2022, Interreg Beech Power and Centralparks as well as LIFEstock Protect and LIFE Apollo 2020.

Happy Anniversary Erasmus+!

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