European Wilderness Society

Detailed planning of the Youth Green Conference continues!

On 06 of July project partners met online to discuss current progress of the project, as well as further planning of the Youth Green Conference 2022, supported by Erasmus+ Programme.

Agenda and curricula of the Conference

Partners reviewed and discussed detailed Agenda of the 5-day outdoor and indoor exciting event, based on the detailed Curricula, prepared jointly by partners. They also worked on transportation issue, shopping list, paper work and dissemination activities.

Young participants

Majority of project partners finished invitation process of youngsters in their countries. And as the reslut we can share, that the Youth Green Conference planning to attend 13-16 years boys and girls old from 5 European countries.Youngster plan to join the conference to:

  • make new friends and discover new countries
  • change habits
  • protect agaist climate change
  • learn how to save nature resources.

Among their environmental actions:

  • waste (separated) collection
  • biking
  • less plastic use
  • saving water resources
  • participation at school, city nature and environmental projects.

Youth Charter for Environment

Youngsters great ideas for Youth Charter for environment include:

  • use bike and public transport
  • eco farming
  • clean rivers
  • prevent animals extinction
  • raising awareness of future generations
  • learn from elderly people
  • motivate people spend more time on nature
  • recycling etc.

Project partners and involved group leaders are sure, that this fantastic transnational community of youngsters will not only spend fruitfully their time during the Youth Green Conference 2022. Exchange of their ideas and experience will also boost new environmental actions, so important for the future of our planet.

I hope to learn more about nature protection and how to act responsible. I want to learn more about eco-cycles, my eco footprint and how to stop climate change. I am really looking forward to meet other youngsters and to develop together ideas for a better future for us and nature. Therefore I love Youth Green Conference 2022!

Morgan, youngster from Austria

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