
EC issued reasoned opinion on wolf hunting in Sweden

The European Commission has recently published its June infringement package, which includes 6 items linked to our environment in Europe. Have you ever checked the EC’s infringement package? This time is worth doing so, because there is a reasoned opinion linked to wolf in Sweden.

The European Commission requests Sweden to bring wolf hunting into line with the EU standards. Let us publish the EC’s opinion without any change below:

“The European Commission has requested Sweden to bring wolf hunting into line with EU legislation. Wolves are strictly protected in Sweden, and their population has not reached a level that guarantees the conservation of the species (‘favourable conservation status’), as aimed by the legislation. Hunting is only permitted under certain strict conditions. In the view of the Commission, by allowing a licensed hunt in 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015, Sweden has established a systemic practice which infringes the Habitats Directive. In particular, Sweden is failing to meet its obligations because it is not considering other satisfactory alternatives and is not ensuring that the licensed hunts are undertaken under strictly supervised conditions, on a selective basis and to a limited extent. Sweden is also failing to demonstrate that hunting would not threaten the growth of the local wolf population to reach a ‘favourable conservation status’. An additional reasoned opinion is therefore being sent. Sweden now has two months to notify the Commission of measures taken to remedy this situation. Otherwise, the Commission may decide to refer Sweden to the EU Court of Justice.”

There are number of studies showing that the problem with wolf in Sweden in linked to genetic diversity. Due to hunting pressure the Swedish wolf population is getting isolated, and the population is effected by high inbreed rate.

If you are interested in reading more about other infringements linked to environment, please click here.

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