European Wilderness Society

European PROJECT Developer

We are looking for a project developer for our many European projects. As full-time employee, you will work a 4-day work week and with high self-responsibility in an equal opportunity work environment of a passionate, social, international, creative, young and dynamic team.

We offer a creative, focused, energetic and multicultural as well as multilingual work environment. You will be based in the Biosphere Reserve Lungau in Austria, right in the heart of Europe, surrounded by majestic mountains where you can enjoy skiing, hiking, camping, rock climbing and biking. You will participate in regular knowhow transfer in an international network of nature conservation, legal, marketing, social media and wilderness experts as part of your continuous personal training.

Sample Format: +43 787 9123932
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please visit the Europass Website and upload your Europass CV in a PDF format.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please write a short letter what motivates you to apply as a Assistant Project Manager at the European wilderness Society. Please upload this letter as a PDF.
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