Why is it important to talk about Wilderness?
Recently I was exposed to the question why the European Wilderness Society is focusing so much on communication and marketing spending so much capacity and resources to communicate about Wilderness wherever possible.
The answer is very simple: One of the paradoxes of the human society is that if we don’t communicate on a specific issue, it doesn’t exist for us. In reality this is obviously not true but our society works like this.
Generally communication is a process of sending and receiving information and sharing this among people. It is a two-way process in which there is an exchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or symbols towards a mutually accepted goal or outcome.
Humans communicate with others not only by face-to-face communication, but also by giving information via the Internet and printed products such as books and newspapers. Communication of Wilderness can also be non-verbal like an invitation to visit Wilderness.
Many people believe that the significance of communication for Wilderness is just as important as anything else we do to protect it. Indeed, communication spreads the knowledge, experience and many times also a commitment far beyond an individual Wilderness and helps us to identify, designate, manage and promote Wilderness across Europe.
So let’s communicate Wilderness!