European Wilderness Society

Working remotely as a team in our Interreg projects

Due to the COVID-19 preventive measures put in place, several of our projects had to adapt to the arising difficulties. In the two Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE projects of the European Wilderness Society, BEECH POWER and Centralparks, the partnership accomodated by changing the work plans and rescheduling activities. However, as both transnational cooperations bring together experts from over five countries, collaborating effectively if the team is remote has not been a challenge for us.

The Centralparks team stays connected

Partners of Centralparks attended the Meeting of the Carpathian Convetion Working Group on Biodiversity and Carpathian Network of Protected Areas Steering Committee meeting, organised online within the framework of the ConnectGREEN project. Centralparks was presented to the Carpathian Convention’s biodiversity experts and stakeholders at the Carpathian Convention Working Group (WG) on Biodiversity. Moreover, as partner projects, Centralparks and ConnectGREEN agreed on various synergy activities in the upcoming years.

Under the current restrictions, Centralparks also held its first online partnership meeting. Partners discussed the project progress together with planned activities for the year of 2020 and harmonized the time planning within the team. You can read about the meeting in detail here. In the upcoming period, the partnership will shift from onsite meetings to online video conferences.

Centralparks aims at improving biodiversity and landscape conservation measures in and outside of Carpathian protected areas.

If you would like to be kept up to date about Centralparks, make sure to subscribe to the newsletter, and follow Centralparks on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

BEECH POWER copes with the times

Just before the COVID-19 developments in Europe took a turn for the worse, BEECH POWER partners and experts met in Eberswalde, to define a structure and related criteria for a standardized approach that would assist managers of component parts of the UNESCO Beech forest World Heritage property. In the framework of the project, partners will develop a so-called ‘Common code of best practice for World Heritage beech forest management’. To read about the workshop in detail, click here. The workshop has been captured on video footage as well. To get a glimpse of our last phyisical workshop before we had to move to our homes for the following period, watch our videos.

BEECH POWER partners have been keeping in touch organising regular video conferences even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Nevertheless, we are keen to find innovative ways to make our collaborative work even more effective.

Project Steering Committee meeting of BEECH POWER

BEECH POWER focuses on anchoring UNESCO World Heritage Beech forests in sustainable regional development, and creating tools that support the management of Beech forest component parts as well as local communities.

If you would like to be kept up to date about BEECH POWER, make sure to subscribe to the newsletter, and follow BEECH POWER on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.

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