Landesrat Schuller Petition bekommt Komkurrenz 14018.jpg

Landesrat Schuller Petition bekommt Komkurrenz-15354.jpg

Landesrat Schuller Petition bekommt Komkurrenz-15354.jpg – © European Wilderness Society CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

2 thoughts on “Landesrat Schuller Petition bekommt Komkurrenz 14018.jpg

  • From you photo of the wolves looking vicious, with their canine showing and saliva dripping, so you can RATIONALIZE to MASS MURDER THEM, is really you
    the premediating murderer that is satanic vicious. The most despicable, depraved intelligent thing a human can do….PREMEDIATE MURDER an animal like the wolves and then add your INSULT to them as to the VICTIM IS THE VICIOUS one……….bravo….satanic humans, the cancer of the Earth.

  • I don’t understand the LANGUAGE, but judging from the photos of the wolves being displayed looking VICIOUS, I probably know what your article was saying. BUT THE TRUTH IS, You the human who is PREMEDIATING TO MASS MURDER THE WOLVES are the SATANIC MURDERERS !!!!!!!. It not the wolves that are vicious, it YOU THE EVIL HUMANS….and after you MASS MURDER, YOU DISGUSTING ENOUGH TO add INSULT TO THE WOLVES that you murdered !!!! This displayed of human character is the most dispicable and depraved an ANIMAL CAN DISPLAYED , AND IT HUMAN. Georgie, MS, ND

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