Wilderness book as a piece of art!
Last week we informed our readers about extraordinary book depicting the best piece of Wilderness in Central Europe. Now this phenomenal photo book is available to buy
‘This book is an excellent example of how Wilderness can inspire our mind – it is a piece of art!’
said Max A E Rossberg, Chairman of European Wilderness Society.
All pictures were taken in the Tatra Mountains, the first European cross-border national park situated on the Polish-Slovak border. It is a fascinating island of Carpathian Wilderness in the middle of the cultural landscape of Central Europe. This smallest alpine mountain range in the world offers an incredibly diverse life stories of their wild inhabitants.
‘This book, featuring pictures and text by Karol Kalisky – a member of the Arolla Film crew, brought together three different elements of Tatra Mountains environment: the high mountains, the ancient forests and the river. All these three environments merged into one organic piece.
Overall, it is a magnificent celebration of wild part of Slovak nature, where magnificent animals such as bear, wolf and lynx live their lives freely. A year round unique pictures of a dramatic Wilderness and wildlife surrounded by an awe-inspiring Tatra scenery exposed us to this wonderful piece of the wild world in the Central Europe.’
summarised evaluation of this book Vlado Vancura Deputy Chairman of European Wilderness Society. And exactly this is also a content of the currently completed photographic book A Year in the Wilderness.
The book can be bought here:
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