European Wilderness SocietyUkraine

Wilderness certification in Ukraine

These days four protected areas of Ukraine received the official invitation to go through the European Wilderness Quality Standard Full-Audit .

At present, European Wilderness Society experts are finalising the European Wilderness Quality Standard Quick Audit , conducted in 2016 for these four protected areas:

– Uholka Wilderness in the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve,

– Gorgany Wilderness in the Natural Reserve “Gorgany”,

– Synevyr Wilderness in the National Nature Park Synevyr

– Hoverla Wilderness in the Carpathian National Nature Park

This work in 2016 was possible due to the support of several international donors of the European Wilderness Society.

Currently due to limited funding available from donors, the Wildernes experts of the European Wilderness Society will only conduct the Wilderness Quality Standard Full-Audit in one of the above mentioned Ukrainian protected areas.

“We are intensively searching for additional funding to support also the other three protected areas and so to minimise the threat of their exclusion from the List of Wilderness Candidate areas and, consequently, from the European Wilderness Network in the coming  1-2 years. We also hope that these areas management will join our Wilderness fundraising activities”,

said Max A E Rossberg, Chairman of European Wilderness Society.

We would like to thank our international partners for all their hard work in the previous months and to express our appreciation of their commitment, support and financial contribution to protect Ukrainian last Wilderness.


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