European Wilderness Society

Wild Photo Contest Trip

The winner of the Let’s Get Wild Photo Contest in the wildlife category Mr. Mauro Raunich, from Slovenia enjoyed two days trip in the spectacular Tatra National Park, Slovakia. He visited on 19th and 20ht of August this well known protected area located at the border of Slovak Republic and Poland.

He was guided in to the heart of West Tatra massive in Račkova Valley by local Wilderness guide. The trip included the overnight stay in a mountain cabin and full day hike up to the Račkove Lakes in Račkova Valley and hiking up to the peak Končistá (1 993 m) at the border between Slovakia and Poland.

It is a surprise and an honour to be awarded in the Wildlife category and I would like to thank European Wilderness Society for the opportunity to visit a beautiful corner of our planet and learn so much from your knowledge and experience, it has been a wonderful hike in the Tatra National Park! 

It was also an opportunity to learn more about European Wilderness Society and its noble objectives. Objectives that, as a photographer proved to me one more time that there is no need to go far to look for natural beauty when so much it’s already available at our doorstep here in Europe. I truly hope the people and politicians of Europe will realise how important is the preservation of pristine nature and support your mission. Thank you Vlado and thank European Wilderness Society!

Mauro Raunich
Winner of Let’s Get Wild Photo Competition

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