European Wilderness Society

Go wild with ERASMUS+ and European Wilderness Society

We are looking for a Wilderness dedicated man or woman, preferably between 18 and 30 years old, with very good English language skills and willing to express their personal commitment towards Wilderness through a full-time voluntary service for 3 to 12 months. This opportunity is made possible by the European Solidarity Corps.

A wild opportunity for a volunteer

With us, you will work from our main office in Tamsweg, beautifully located in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Salzburger Lungau in the Alps. You will experience on-going task-related, linguistic, personal and administrative support throughout the stay, as well as support in arranging lodging and local transports. The basic idea behind the EVS programme is to promote diversity, intercultural exchange and to open people’s minds towards tolerance and freedom. This is very much in accordance with the philosophy of Wilderness and the team spirit of the European Wilderness Society within experts with a multi-cultural and very experienced professional background identify, designate, stewardship and promote Europe’s last wild areas, old growth forests, wild rivers and wild coasts and of course Wilderness itself.

We have already received the first applications so apply NOW to join our wild team!

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