European Alliance for Wolf Conservation Annual Meeting
On June 7th and 8th, the European Wilderness Society will be meeting the organisations of the European Alliance for Wolf Conservation in Helsinki. The annual general meeting is attended by partners from Spain, Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Estonia and Denmark. Together the partners will discuss how to better join forces for improved Livestock protection support and the correct implementation of the current FFH directive.
Please also read: Wolf-free zones will not work, here’s why
Challenges and solutions
The meeting will focus on the main challenges and solutions that breeders and farmers in light of the return of wolves face in Europe. The representatives of Finland and France and Germany showed how severe projects assisted breeders and shepherds to protect their livesstock.
In addition the illegal and semilegal culling and poaching still accounts for many of the deaths of wolves. The position of the European Parliament and European Commission are clear, but Europe needs a more active approach to assist breeders and shepherds while at the same time encore the current european legal framework.
The partners of the Europan Alliance for Wolf Conservation will be demanding from the European Commission a clear definition of livestock protection standards, a European Wolf Stewardship plan with a precise definition of what a Bold wolf is, a definition what constitutes favourablle conservation status and a more active support of financial tools to support the implementation of livestock protection measures on a large scale all across Europe.
European Wilderness Society will be presenting examples of successful livestock protection measures from the Alpine region. Other presentations will address topics like the Wolf Ambassador School Visit program, compensation and management systems, and other examples of successful coexistence between people and wolves in Europe.
On Saturday June 8th, from 9:30 – 15:30 there will be an open session. All people are welcome to join and participate in the meeting. Join the partners to discuss what conditions lead to successful coexistence with wolves, or for example what the European Commission should do? Then make sure that you register for the open session. You can find all information and details on the following page:
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