
Register now: Ranger training on Tourism and Waste management in Protected Areas of Ukraine

The European Wilderness Society and the Vlado Vancura Wilderness Academy is offering the free online “Ranger training on Tourism and Waste management in Protected Areas”, especially designed for Protected Area staff, Rangers, Non-Government Organisations and Stakeholders in Ukraine. This project is co-funded by the European Outdoor Conservation Association.

Online training sessions

The preliminary schedule of the online training sessions is as follows:

  • 20 May 2020: History, role and duties of park rangers in Protected Areas
  • 27 May 2020: Tourism management in Protected Areas
  • 03 June 2020: Introduction to the “Respect Nature” guidelines and principles for nature tourism
  • 10 June 2020: Nature interpretation
  • 17 June 2020: Waste management in Protected Areas and regulations in Ukraine
  • 24 June 2020*: Special closed-session workshop for the Management of the the National Nature Park Synevyr staff only.: Waste management, river cleaning and waste campaigns in National Nature Park Synevyr.

Register here!

To assist us in the planning the online training sessions, please fill out the registration form for each session you would like to attend:

Who can apply?

The online training sessions are bilingual, English and Ukrainian and open to everyone. The presenter will speak in English, the presentation slides and chat will be in Ukrainian. Participants should therefore have a basic level of listening comprehension in English .

Ukrainian participants attending at least 4 out of 5 online training sessions will receive a certificate issued by the Ukrainian State Environmental Academy of post-graduates and management and the European Wilderness Society.

We really need more educated rangers to work in our Protected Areas.

Mykola Derbak
Director of National Nature Park Synevyr

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