
Threat: Romanian Cosava Virgin Forest

Romania is home of the largest remains of virgin forest in the EU. But these unique ancient woodlands are under immediate threat: Logging by foreign and domestic companies is destroying wild woodland in high speed. Even in National Parks such as Semenic and Domogled logging is eating away large parts of our last wild European beech forests.

Gorgous Cosava Mica virgin beech forest borders the Semenic National Park (and Natura 2000 area) and covers more than 700 hectars. That’s larger than all ancient forests remnants in western Europe together. Unfortunately it has been excluded from the Semenic National Park and the Sememic Natura 2000 area because the Romanian state forestry company “Romsilva” wants to sell the timber. The western part of Cosava forest is devastated already. But now logging roads are entering the remaining wild forest at the eastern valleys…

The Romanian NGO Agent Green is calling on the Romanian Government to protect Cosava forest and to stop any logging there. #savecosava 

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One thought on “Threat: Romanian Cosava Virgin Forest

  • this is a disaster! let the government look at Sumatra, where nearly all the forests have been sold for timber and palm oil trees. Cash is earned quickly at the cost of the local population and the long term future of people and wildlife!!!!

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