Fântâna Banului Lake has completely dried up
Written by Calin Dejeu One of the worst ecocides in Romania is the destruction of the Danube Floodplain. Hundreds of
Continue readingWritten by Calin Dejeu One of the worst ecocides in Romania is the destruction of the Danube Floodplain. Hundreds of
Continue readingThere are heated arguments about the use of forests in the debate about wood production, climate protection and biodiversity. A
Continue readingThe conflict about illegally logged timber in Romania has already seen various stages of escalation. Now science has also been
Continue readingThis February, the European Commission announced that it is taking legal action to stop the vast illegal logging that has
Continue readingExperts estimate that Romania is home to about 6 000 brown bears (Ursus arctos). And the Carpathians, specifically Romania, have
Continue readingShocking news this week from CNN as an indigenous leader who protected rainforest was murdered in Brasil. However, similar horrifying
Continue readingThe following message from the ‘Group of local Initiative – The Coalition for Biodiversity’ has come to our attention, which
Continue readingYou might not have heard from the Wallachians before, but they shaped many of the alpine regions in Europe as
Continue readingLogging operations threathen the Romanian forests, is Europe doing enough to stop it? We want to hear from you!
Continue readingFor a long time, European Wilderness Society has been following the illegal cutting of virgin forests, but also in National
Continue readingToday we are publishing a new and updated Wilderness Brief, about Retezat Wilderness, Romania. Retezat was one of the first
Continue readingThe situation in Romania’s virgin forests is not good, and many forests are currently victims of illegal logging. For example
Continue readingEverywhere on our planet, forests are facing the same problem: climate change and human impact. We like to use wood
Continue readingYou can find Retezat Wilderness, partner of the European Wilderness Network, in the oldest National Park of Romania: Retezat National
Continue readingA new investigative video reveals insights into the illegal logging, hunting and deforestation in Romania’s protected areas. The video, published
Continue readingRomania is a source of vast natural beauty. It has a variety of unique landscapes; notably some of the largest
Continue readingIn April 2018, Romania’s Minister of the Environment published an Action Plan for Conservation of the Brown Bear in Romania, which
Continue readingToday European Wilderness Society had a meeting with Wilderness supporter from Romania, Calin Dejeu. They discussed further potential cooperation, particularly
Continue readingThe E40 waterway would connect the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea over a length of more than 2 000
Continue readingThe logging pressure is increasing in Europe. The European Wilderness Society is receiving alarming messages from various corners of Europe. For
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