European Wilderness Society

Smart Tourism Capital and Pioneer 2025 competition launched! 

Tourism plays an important role in the development of countries. It helps to grow economics, local infrastructure and connects people from different backgrounds with each other. 

Over the years tourism has developed a lot. With digital tools and products, people around the world can receive services that make travelling less complicated. We can book tickets for transportation and accommodation online, use different apps to have virtual tours of places where we want to go, plan the whole journey with a phone and much more. 

Please also read: SMART Tourism project updates 

Smart Tourism 

That’s why countries are trying to develop smart tourism, using modern technologies to make travelling easier.   

The concept of Smart Tourism is defined by the European Union as a destination facilitating access to tourism and hospitality products, services, spaces and experiences through ICT-based (Information and communications technology) tools

Being a digital tourism city means providing digital information about the destination, its attractions and tourism offers. Information on public transport, attractions and accommodation should be digitally accessible. An environment should be created in which businesses have a digital-friendly support network to develop in.  

Smart Tourism Capital and Pioneer 2025 

To promote and reward the future of smart and sustainable tourism in Europe on March 6, 2024, the European Commission launched the 2025 edition of the European Capital of Smart Tourism and the European Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism competitions. 

To compete for the 2025 titles, cities are asked to demonstrate their innovative tourism practices and submit their applications using an online form. 

For more information, please check following links:  

Guide for applicants European Capital of Smart Tourism 

Guide for applicants European Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism 

2025 Competitions: This what you need to know before you apply 

For both competitions, applications must be received by: 31 May 2024 at 17:00 CET. 

Winners 2024  

Dublin (Ireland) and Grosseto (Italy) have been selected as the winners of the EU’s 2024 European Capital and Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism competition. 

Dublin – 2024 European Capital of Smart Tourism 

The bustling Irish capital is the fifth largest transport hub in Europe. To ensure a successful and sustainable future, Dublin has implemented a strategic smart tourism programme that brings together community, technology and innovation to co-create and transform the traditional tourism experience. Dublin commits to reducing its carbon footprint by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. 

Grosseto – 2024 Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism 

Grosseto is a charming city located in the Tuscany region of Italy. Situated along the western coast of the country, it offers a captivating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. One of the cornerstones of Grosseto’s sustainability ethos is mobility. Grosseto’s future plans include a green expanse to offer residents and tourists a haven for jogging, walking, cycling and relaxation, inspiring green mobility and responsible exploration. 

SMARTOUR project 

SMARTOUR or the SMART Tourism Skills Initiative ERASMUS+ project is contributing to the further SMART tourism development. 

The main objective of the SMARTOUR is the production of the comprehensive educational materials for adult educators that will allow to promote and organize smart tourism development among municipalities, organizations and businesses that are involved in tourism development and activities. 

Currently partners from Austria, Bulgaria, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia and Slovakia are finalizing Course materials development and Moodle learning platform introduction. At the upcoming Transnational Workshop in Austria in June it will be presented for the learners. 

Stay tuned for more news! 

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