
Synevyr National Nature Park European Wilderness Quality Standard Pre-Audit Report

Three new Wilderness Candidates in Ukraine were pre-assessed in 2016. A team of European Wilderness Society experts visited the potential Wilderness in Synevyr National Nature Park , Gorgany Nature Reserve and Carpathian National Nature Park. The first European Wilderness Quality Standard pre-audit report of the National Nature Park Synevyr has now been published.

Synevyr National Nature Park 

Synevyr National Nature Park is one of the largest protected area in the Ukrainian TransCarpathian region (43,040 ha). The area is classified as IUCN category V where sustainable tourism is one of the main objectives. The park has a large regulated tourism zone. Nevertheless the park has also a large Wilderness core zone which was subject to the pre-assessment mission.

The Synevyr Wilderness represents a wide spectrum of typical Carpathian ecosystems such as beech primeval forests, peat bogs and wetland with the rich biological diversity, unique rock formations, and many red listed species

The European Wilderness Society team guided by deputy director and local ranger focused on part of the core zone with potential Wilderness in the area named Black River.

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