WildArt and Wilderness audit in Ukraine
In the coming two weeks the European Wilderness Society will again visit Ukraine with its next important mission:
- Wild Art Plein Air in Synevyr Wilderness and
- Quick audit of Maramorosh Wilderness in the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve
Please also read: Recent visit to Ukraine
Wild Art Plein Air in Synevyr Wilderness
Due to the efforts of the European Wilderness Society in cooperation with the National Nature Park Synevyr and with the financial contribution of the EU Programme Creative Europe, the very first WildArt Plein Air will take place in Ukraine between 9th and 15th August 2018.
Starting this week, a group of 10+ international creative minds will personally see one of the wildest places in Europe, face and feel the Synevyr Wilderness in Western Ukraine. Professional guides and an excellent preparation will ensure that the artists from countries including Austria, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Romania and Ukraine will experience this area. We will visit the UNESCO World Natural Heritage site, Synevyr Lake, Wild Lake, White Beast Waterfall and more.
The artists will share their Wilderness experience with the public and exhibit their artworks on 14th August during the WildArt Plein Air final event.
See invitations in English and Ukrainian.
Quick audit of Maramorosh Wilderness
The reliable partnership and commitment of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve management towards Wilderness resulted in an agreement to conduct an audit of potential Wilderness in this protected area.
The Carpathian Biosphere Reserve already has two audited Wilderness, two WILDForests and three WILDRivers, all included in the European Wilderness Network:
- Kuziy-Trybushany WILDForest
- Mala Uholka WILDRiver
- Shyrokyy Luh WILDRiver
- Uholka-Shyrokyy Luh Wilderness
- Uholka-Shyrokyy Luh WILDForest
- Velyka Uholka WILDRiver
The European Wilderness Society`s auditors will work in the Maramorosh massif to identify potential Wilderness.
The Maramorosh massif is located on the northern slope of the Rakhiv Mountains – one of the Maramoroskyi crystal massif’s offspurs. The protected area, has a territory of 8990 ha and is located at 750 – 1940 m.a.s.l. The main peak is the Pip Ivan Maramoroskyi Mountain (1940 m). The massif is formed by firm crystal sediments – gneisses, micaceous and quartz slates and marmoreal limestones of the Jurassic period.
The rocky landscape of the upland areas provides a habitat for species, such as snow vole and alpine accentor.
We are looking forward to meet our old partners and new Wilderness supporters in Ukraine as well as further promote and designate Wilderness through art and research.
European Wilderness Society team