Sustainable Tourism

Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Center launched

During the Eighth Meeting of the Carpathian Convention Working Group on Sustainable Tourism in Brasov April 12-14th, 2016 the Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Platform was officially launched.

Currently three centers will build the platform, the Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Center in Ukraine (Uzhhorod) in close cooperation with the Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Center in Poland (Rzeszow) and the Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Center in Romania (Brasov) to assist the seven Parties and their stakeholders in implementing the Protocol on Sustainable Tourism, adopted in May 2011 at Conference of Parties 3 and its Strategy for the Sustainable Tourism Development of the Carpathians, adopted in September 2014 at Conference of Parties 4 in 2015. The Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Platform will ensure coordination of public institutions, private sector and NGOs to successfully implement the Strategy across the Carpathians.

Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Center

The Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Center in the Ukraine, with supporting offices in Austria, Slovakia and Germany, will promote the intensive cooperation of the tourism sector actors from all the Carpathian countries in the implementation of the tasks listed in the Strategy through an active network of relevant partners. The Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Center Ukraine in close cooperation with the Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Center Poland and Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Center Romania aims at harmonizing and coordinating country-specific, as well as Carpathian wide approaches by providing a common understanding and umbrella platform for planning and management of sustainable tourism. It is part of the comprehensive efforts of the Parties to the Carpathian Convention to coordinate the responsible use, protection and promotion of the Carpathians as a sustainable tourism destination. The Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Center in the Ukraine is a joint initiative of the European Wilderness Society and Ecological Tourism in Europe (Ökologischer Tourismus in Europa e.V.).

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