
Protected Areas Solutions Group

According to the European Environmental Agency report on protected areas in Europe (October 2012), 21% of Europe’s land territory is protected. The protection is of course implemented in various forms, from strict Wilderness protection to multiply purpose areas. This 21% is a huge piece of land and a challenge when it comes to the management of biodiversity and human impact. These challenges and the needs of the 21st century are the focus of the new Protected Areas Solutions Group consulting work.

After numerous requests and inquiries, serveral long-standing experts decided to offer a new service not just for Wilderness Areas but for protected areas in general. The Protected Area Solutions Group offers a multitude of consulting services for the numerous challenges protected areas are facing today and tomorrow. The Protected Area Solutions Group works PanEuropean and has offices in Austria, Hungary and Slovakia. Its consulting services especially focus on the following areas of expertise:

  • Sustainable and Ecotourism strategies
  • Visitor management and monitoring
  • Effective communication and marketing services
  • Eco System Services Evaluations
  • Regional sustainable economic strategies
  • Multistakeholder planning and implementation strategies
  • Human resource management training
  • Biodiversity audit
  • Protected Areas monitoring including BRIM and WIM
  • Regional Agenda Development

Here a short description of our services and solutions for protected areas.

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