UNESCO Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future
UNESCO has a great online training seminar for “teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future“. It starts with the basic concepts and then has modules for each chapter which are downloadable:
Please also read: Wilderness in UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Schorfheide-Chorin
Curriculum Rationale
- Module 1 | Exploring global realities
- Module 2 | Understanding sustainable development
- Module 3 | A futures perspective in the curriculum
- Module 4 | Reorienting education for a sustainable future
- Module 5 | Accepting the challenge
Sustainable Development Across the Curriculum
- Module 6 | Sustainable futures across the curriculum
- Module 7 | Citizenship education
- Module 8 | Health education
- Module 9 | Consumer education
Contemporary Issues
- Module 10 | Culture & religion for a sustainable future
- Module 11 | Indigenous knowledge & sustainability
- Module 12 | Women & sustainable development
- Module 13 | Population & development
- Module 14 | Understanding world hunger
- Module 15 | Sustainable agriculture
- Module 16 | Sustainable tourism
- Module 17 | Sustainable communities
- Module 18 | Globalisation
- Module 19 | Climate change
Teaching and Learning Strategies
- Module 20 | Experiential learning
- Module 21 | Storytelling
- Module 22 | Values education
- Module 23 | Enquiry learning
- Module 24 | Appropriate assessment
- Module 25 | Future Problem Solving
- Module 26 | Learning outside the classroom
- Module 27 | Community Problem Solving
Take the time to read and take the course. It will enhance your skills concerning Sutainablity.