Sustainable Tourism

SMARTOUR project updates

On 12th and 13th of July partners of the SMARTOUR Erasmus+ project met in the touristic Slovakian town Banska Bystrica. The aim of the meeting was to discuss current project progress and agree on further activities and their deadlines.

Project SMARTOUR, Smart Tourism Skills Initiative, aims to produce comprehensive educational materials for adult educators that will allow them to promote and organize smart tourism development among municipalities, tourism organisations and businesses that are active in tourism development.

Slovakian partners

Meeting was very well organized by Slovakian partners: NGO E-Code and Mateja Bela University in Banska Bystrica.

Moreover prof.Vanda Marakova, Head of the Department, Department of Tourism of the University even conducted town excursion for project partners and introduced modern and even smart museums of Banska Bystryca.

We already started teaching Smartourism on our faculty. And hope that the international experience exchange and joint efforts on Smart tourism educational materials development will be mutually beneficial for all project partners and project stakeholders.

Tomáš Gajdošík, teacher of Mateja Bela University Department of Tourism

Moderation of the partner meeting was conducted by the manager of the project Lead partner, Radoslav Vician.

Needs Analysis survey

One of the most important initial activities of the project was conduction of the educational Needs Analysis survey in each partner country.

In total partners collected 161 filled in questionnaires from tourism experts, teachers and students, business owners, employees of Destination management organizations, employees in tourism business and self-employed etc.

Polish partner, Instytut Rozwoju Sportu i Edukacji conducted analysis of the survey and provided first results. More than 60 % of respondents involved in integration of current trends in tourism, among which climate change, single use plastics, digitalisation, health and safety, crisis management. Around 70% of respondents have heard or familiar with the smart tourism components. Based on that Educational curricula and further educational materials will be developed.

Further plans

As foreseen by the project proposal, after finalisation of Needs Assessment survey analysis, partner will continue development of Educational Curricula, Educational materials and conduction of Learning, Teaching and Training Activities in various project countries.

European Wilderness Society will also contribute to the development of educational materials, especially, on Sustainability topic, as well as to the dissemination of project results. We will also organize and conduct National conference in Austria in 2023.

Next transnational partner meeting will be hosted in October by Serbian partners Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, where among other, partners will discuss educational materials development and planning of further events with stakeholders.

Slovenian partner Zavod Novi turizem and Bulgarian partner Business Support Centre for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises will further on contribute to the project succesful implementation and further Smart tourism development. 

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