Get ready for the 5th European Ranger Congress!
The European Ranger Federation is inviting you to join the 5th European Ranger Congress. It will take place in Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany between the 11th and 16th of May 2020. The theme of this conference is „Biodiversity on the Edge – working strategies for Rangers in a rapidly changing World“ . The aim of the conference is to improve the quality of rangers’ work by networking, integrating volunteers and “train the trainer” programmes. This five-day conference will focus on better protected area management in Europe and will also include a field trip in the area.
Please also read: Let’s get wild at the 5th European Ranger Congress
The European Ranger Federation is a European organisation that aims to connect professional rangers and protected area managers. They promote nature conservation, provide professional training for the rangers and conduct youth ranger activities.
European Wilderness Society is an active member of the European Ranger Federation since last year. It will also speak at the conference about the Wilderness areas in Europe.