
UzhGreenFest goes ahead!

Experienced gained during the Youth Green Conference motivated Ukrainian youngsters for action. Therefore, upon their return back home they made the decision to become agents of changes. Youngsters created the Ukrainian Youth Wilderness Group and considered work on new projects.

New project application

Upon our return back home Ukrainian Youth Wilderness Group met again. After intensive brainstorming and funding opportunities search, we decided to apply for Active citizens call of proposals, available for Uzhhorod, Ukraine. Our project received a title UzhGreenFest – Youth Green Festival in Uzhhorod: communicating and acting.

 First, we successfully passed the initial selection. After that we took part in the 2-day intensive project management training. As a result, we submitted an updated Application package and presented a project for final selection. This alive concise project presentation is called pitching. And we passed it successfully!

This project iscofinanced by the British Council and Uzhhorod City Council

Project aim and activities

Project aims at facilitating youth eco-habits creation as well as their motivation to spend time outdoors more frequently, by initiating Youth Green Festival (UzhGreenFest) in Uzhhorod in March 2020.

Important feature of the project is that the “green” knowledge will be communicated applying method equal to equal. This means, that the experience gained during the Youth Green Conference will be transferred by participated youngsters to their mates in Uzhhorod.

says Lesya Loyko, NGO Forza, project partner

YouthGreenFest will consist of such activities and calls for action:

  • change habits to more eco-friendly
  • use sustainable transport and food
  • experience active recreation in native city
  • respect nature
  • cooperate with local authorities for Green future of Uzhhorod.

Project partners

For efficient project implementation such partners were invited for cooperation:

This is time to act,

Youth Wilderness Group member

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