International Wilderness Week presentations now online!
Even after four months since the International Wilderness Week 2020, we are still thinking about the great conference we had. What an exciting and knowledgeable week it was!
We are immensely thankful for all of the contributions of international presenters, our viewers, friends and endorsers. Thanks to combined efforts, the first international online Wilderness celebration was inspiring and smooth. To continue the legacy, all of the presentation materials are now available on the Vlado Vancura Wilderness Academy website. The presentations are divided into six topics, and for each presenter of the topic you can find a short description, as well as their presentation file and link to a video recording, when available.
Colorful Wilderness journey
This first-of-its-kind event gathered almost 100 speakers from 30 countries across all six continents. More than 300 Wilderness advocates participated, and the event reached thousands of people on social media and our website with more than 30 000 impressions throughout the week. The International Wilderness Week gave people the long-awaited chance to present their work to a wide audience, this time online. This event was especially unique after the cancellation of WILD 11 as well as the Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Wilderness is life insurance. But you don’t have to pay for it, you just have to protect it.
International Wilderness Week’s topics
Throughout the first International Wilderness Week, we have been exploring the essence, values and challenges of Wilderness. All of the presentation materials are divided into six topics. Wilderness around the world explores various Wilderness areas worldwide. From the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley in Mexico to Europe to Far East taiga to Tasmania – watch the recordings to first-hand explore the most beautiful parts of our planet! Wilderness and Humanity topic explores human relationship to Wilderness. This includes human-wildlife conflicts, the cultural value of nature, communication about Wilderness, and so on. The topic Protecting Wilderness tells stories of worldwide conservation efforts. Various projects, rescue centers and national parks share their best practice examples on nature protection. And, a very heated discussion occurs while trying to answer a provocative question: do we need to protect Wilderness?
Scientific conference and more
The Future of Wilderness topic explores all forms and shapes of nature education. Schools, careers, games, camps, art lessons, and many more, from various corners of the planet are presented. Wilderness Community Events invite viewers to join in joyful workshops and excursions. In addition, in this topic you can find all the discussions with nature documentary directors. Part of the International Wilderness Week was dedicated to Wildlife & Wilderness Research. Scientists from various countries share their work on insects, birds, clouded leopards, bats, fish, wolves and others.
Plans for the future
Overall, the first International Wilderness Week was a full success. So many Wilderness advocates around the world connected, showed how many great projects are going on, and most importantly gathered ideas on how we can enhance our global efforts to protect and expand Wilderness. We are excited to announce that this will be not the last International Wilderness Week. So save the date!
The Second International Wilderness Week will take place from 18th to 22nd October 2021!
Please also read: Open call for speakers at the next International Wilderness Week!