Sustainable TourismUkraine

More Respect Nature educational tools in Ukraine

Following the high interest to the Respect Nature guidelines developed by the European Wilderness Society and its recent translation to Ukrainian, we developed further educational tools and activities. The Respect Nature initiative offers key guidelines to support nature conservation as well as further sustainable tourism development in Europe.

Online and offline trainings

We have already conducted various Respect Nature online and onsite trainings in course of the:

Ignoring of rules of visiting protected areas as well as its limitations lead to sever consequence. Therefore further introduction of the Respect Nature concept in crucial. My favourite Respect Nature principle is “Stay on trail”.

Serhiyy Pidmohylnyy
coordinator on development of Greenways Ukraine

Online Ranger Training recommendations

During a special session of the abovementioned Online Ranger training course, the Respect Nature guidelines and principles for nature tourism were presented and a fruitful discussion was held within the multi-stakeholder participant group. Participants voiced the need for reliable and professional information about how to behave in nature with minimal impact on it, which is what the Respect nature principles address. Besides, cooperation with local communities, hotel owners and media should be enhanced, to further spread the Respect nature concept.

A number of training participants are already using the Respect Nature posters in their educational activities. Among them are:

Ukraine Sustainable Tourism Workshop-31389.jpg - © European Wilderness Society CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

More Respect nature educational tools

In the framework of the project “Clean up Synevyr National Nature Park, Ukraine” various Respect Nature educational tools were developed for Ukraine, such as:

  • Respect Nature folder in Ukrainian
  • Bilingual (Ukrainian-English) Respect Nature big and small signs.

This project is co-financed by the European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA). EOCA shares our values particularly on proper behaviour on the nature.

The Ukrainian materials are already available in web format and are in the process of printing and shipping to the project target area. Consequently, National Nature Park “Synevyr” will be better equipped to tackle the challenge of mass tourism.

If you are interested in installing Respect Nature educational signs or in Respect Nature educational activities, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.

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