
Launching Vlado Vancura Wilderness Academy

The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders.

Edward Abbey

As Edward Abbey, the famous American author and environmentalist noted, Wilderness needs good stewards. The European Wilderness Society is launching in 2020 a comprehensive education and training programme as part of the new established Vlado Vancura Wilderness Academy.

International Wilderness training

The Vlado Vancura Wilderness Academy offers a wide range of trainings to Wilderness managers, land managers, protected area administrations, rangers, nature guides, policy makers and outdoor enthusiasts. In various European training facilities and through online trainings, interested individuals and groups have the chance to master the fundamentals of Wilderness stewardship.

The training curriculum is developed in close partnership with several international universities, wilderness experts and professional wilderness organisations. The aim is that the curricula is an internationally recognised, accredited qualification. The training covers topics such as the history of Wilderness conservation in Europe and USA, Wilderness definition, Wilderness Well-being, Wilderness Stewardship, the European Wilderness Quality Standard, Respect Nature training, Visitor management, Wilderness communication Courses and much more.

This Wilderness Academy will be a one-of-a-kind training in Europe that will equip current and prospective Wilderness stewards with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand Wilderness values as well as steps of effective decision-making.

Vlado Vancura
Wilderness Director

for more information, please visit: Vlado Vancura Wilderness Academy website

2 thoughts on “Launching Vlado Vancura Wilderness Academy

  • Dear Mazanov,

    Both! The programme is currently being developed and will be running from 2020 in various training facilitities Europe-wide.

  • Is the centre a building or a programme?

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